Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I want to say that from now on I will write something on this blog every day, but unfortunately, I realize that there is not much to write about... Lately, I feel that life has become one long routine - every day I wake up, go to class, then work, come home, eat dinner, shower, hang out for a bit/do homework, go to bed, wake up and do it all over again... This week is my spring break but instead of going to the beach, I am planning to spend most of it at the library writing my appellate brief and a paper. The only good thing that could come out of this would be if I actually manage to finish my brief and at least get a first draft of the paper done. Hopefully, then I will have a sense of accomplishment and will know that I did not completely waste my time. Also, this could mean much less work for the rest of the semester.

Anyways, enough about school and homework. I do have a couple of fun things planned after my finals are over, so it feels good to at least have something to look forward to :) First, I am going to Chicago with Mismo and his parents for a couple of days, and then Mismo and I are going to NYC. It should be a lot of fun. I've been to NY a few times, but while I was there last Christmas, I realized for the first time how much I love that city. It does make me tired and the crowds are overwhelming (especially around Christmas and New Year's!), and yet, the city is amazing - there is always something to do, a new place to go check out, it never gets boring!

Other than that, not much going on these days. I am just really looking forward to this summer - I think it is going to feel great to take a break from school, start my new job, and meet new people.