Monday, October 20, 2008

Double Standards

Today I was thinking that double standards are EVERYWHERE - just look around you, you'll see at least a few... Everyone, including myself, has issues with double standards, but I guess the real question is where you put the limit. I suppose we, humans, judge others way too much, and the next thing you know, you turn around and do exactly the same thing you just criticized somebody else for. It's sad but true.

Today is kind of weird because I did a happy hour thing with my "neighbors" which was a little strange since it was in the middle of the day on Monday. I had a shot of tequila and a glass of wine, and then had to do homework. I gotta admit, it did make my reading a bit more entertaining :) Now it's way past my bedtime (I usually got to bed around 11:30 on weeknights) but I don't feel like sleeping AT ALL. Anyways, I will still try to go catch some Z's and see what happens. Good thing I don't have to wake up until late tomorrow.

As someone would say, have a sleepy night :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


There is something about Sundays that always brings me down. I have just concluded that Sunday is the saddest day of the week. The funny thing is that the second I wake up and realize that it's Sunday, I get this weird feeling in my stomach... I hate it. The truth is, Sunday is still part of the weekend and I should be able to enjoy it just as much as I enjoy Saturdays. This should be especially true this year since I don't even have classes on Mondays (well, I do have to work but I like my job, so I really can't complain). Anyways, Sundays are weird, or maybe I am weird, or maybe both. Either way, it's Sunday today, and I am glad that it's almost over. The best part of the day today was making dinner... I think that cooking is one of the best ways to relieve stress. I really enjoy it, especially if I am cooking for someone else. I really don't like to cook just for myself, so it's good to have someone to cook for.
Right now I am feeling cozy - lying in bed, listening to some good music (thanks to someone :)) and getting ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow is Monday, and even though I know a lot of people who hate it, I like it much, much better than Sundays :)

Good night world!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today I realized that trees have really changed colors in the last few days... I love this time of year because of all the color it brings, but at the same time, the realization that winter is coming next is a little hard to deal with :) A lot has changed since I wrote my last post and it has been good. Right now I have a fall break at school which gives me a chance to sleep and rest and catch up on my outlines for finals... Not too exciting but it makes me feel better to know that I will have less to do in December.

I hope that fall is beautiful wherever you are and that you will get to enjoy some sunny days before the winter is finally here!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Why do bad things happen to good people? I have wondered about that a few times. I guess if you assume that everything that happens in this life is deserved, then bad things should not be happening to good people. On the other hand, do we really know what is "good" or "bad"? So many times bad things turn out to be good and vice versa... Lately, I have asked this question of myself, and every time I try to reassure myself that everything happens for a reason. Every time something goes bad, I guess you have to ask: why me? How did I deserve this to happen to me? But in the end, you just have to hope that whatever happened will bring a happy ending. One thing I have learned, however, is that you really need to take care of your heart. Don't put your heart in other people's hands, because sooner than later you will discover that they can't take care of it. You are the only one who can take care of your heart, so be careful and don't let yourself down.