Sunday, October 19, 2008


There is something about Sundays that always brings me down. I have just concluded that Sunday is the saddest day of the week. The funny thing is that the second I wake up and realize that it's Sunday, I get this weird feeling in my stomach... I hate it. The truth is, Sunday is still part of the weekend and I should be able to enjoy it just as much as I enjoy Saturdays. This should be especially true this year since I don't even have classes on Mondays (well, I do have to work but I like my job, so I really can't complain). Anyways, Sundays are weird, or maybe I am weird, or maybe both. Either way, it's Sunday today, and I am glad that it's almost over. The best part of the day today was making dinner... I think that cooking is one of the best ways to relieve stress. I really enjoy it, especially if I am cooking for someone else. I really don't like to cook just for myself, so it's good to have someone to cook for.
Right now I am feeling cozy - lying in bed, listening to some good music (thanks to someone :)) and getting ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow is Monday, and even though I know a lot of people who hate it, I like it much, much better than Sundays :)

Good night world!!!

1 comment:

Mismo's blogg show said...

I ate it for lunch. Thanks! Sundays give me a weird feeling too.