Monday, November 3, 2008

New pet ideas

Due to a high popular demand (well, actually, just one person's demand), I am going to write about this new and awesome pet idea. If you are looking for a pet and you really want to have a new friend that is like no other friend you have had before, you should get an oxolotl. What a weird name right? It's also called a "Mexican walking fish" and as you may have guessed already, it's a fish with legs. But the coolest thing is that oxolotl has the best facial expression ever - he is always smiling!!!! I found him totally randomly on the Yahoo main page yesterday and after doing a little bit of research I concluded that oxolotls are one of the coolest pets one could have. It's a fish, and it walks, and it always has a smiley face - what else could one wish for? I'll put up some pictures for your enjoyment, but before you fall in love with this cute animal, you should be aware that they are a bit pricey. According to some outside research, you can get one for $45, plus shipping which could be around $100, and the aquarium which could cost a few hundred dollars depending on how much luxury you want for your new friend.

That's my ad for oxolotls. I personally believe that they are super-cute and I might get one someday... by the way, did I mention that they live in only one lake in Mexico City and they are considered to be endangered species? Yeah, it's kind of sad, but hopefully we will be able to preserve them.

1 comment:

Mismo's blogg show said...

It is spelled Axolotls Anuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushkita!!!