Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Winter is finally here...

All right, it's time to face it - winter is here, and unfortunately, it is here for good... Say good-bye to those summer clothes until May... Well, I guess that depends on the person too because I have seen a few people wear flip-flops and shorts when its subzero outside (seeing them makes me cold). Anyways, the last couple of days have been anything but pleasant. I have been using the skyway to get from home to school and back, and I am anticipating that to be my daily commute from now on until God knows when. Also, my apartment feels really cold. We have been turning the heat up to 76 and it still feels like 60. I wake up in the morning and I don't want to get out of bed cuz it's freezing in my room :( But there is no other choice but to "(wo)man up" and leave the warm bed.

Anyways, the other day I woke up feeling really weird. My left arm was hurting pretty bad. So I got scared because I thought that I was getting a heart attack or something. Honestly, I thought I was going to die. I know it sounds stupid but I think my brain was still waking up so I was having all kinds of weird ideas. Anyways, I still got out of bed, got dressed, went to school etc. The pain lasted all day long. At the end of the day, I realized that I was not getting a heart attack. I totally forgot that the night before I had been at one of my friends' party and for some reason (please don't ask me to explain, cuz I myself have no idea how it all started) there was a competition at this party to see who could do most push-ups. Anyways, there was a separate competition for guys and girls, and girls' competition was not going so hot. I had to beat a high of 2 push-ups so I was pretty confident. I ended up doing 14 push-ups and that's what caused my pain in my left arm the following morning.

I think that's the most exciting story of the week so far. It's been pretty monotonous lately: school, work, home, school, work, home... And I don't expect it to get any better until Christmas.

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