Monday, December 1, 2008

The Importance of Laughter

Today after dinner as I was watching TV I realized something - I don't laugh when I am alone. I was watching a really funny episode of the Family Guy and even though I was laughing in my heart, I did not laugh out loud. But why? I really don't know. For some time I thought that there is something wrong with me, or maybe not. I really don't know. I've heard that laughter is good for you - it actually makes you healthier (Paul used to tell me that he read somewhere that when you laugh, every cell in your body feels "happy"). Anyways, I decided that from now on I am going to laugh when I see something funny, even if I am alone and there is nobody around to share my laughs with.

Today I talked to one of my friends whom I haven't seen in four years. She is in FL and missing the snow, while I am stuck in Minneapolis missing the sun. I offered her to switch places for a while, but I guess it's not going to work because right now both of us are busy with school and finals... Anyways, I guess there is at least one upside to crappy weather - I can focus on my studying better because I am not tempted to go outside...

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