Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Being a "night person"

I have been asked this question many times and there is NO doubt whatsoever that I am a night person (well, I still continue to think so even though I have been going to bed rather early lately). The thing is that at night when everybody goes to sleep, it gets very quiet and I can focus on my homework or whatever else I am doing much better. In addition, more I get done at night, less work I will have left for the next day, which sometimes means that I can sleep in longer. If you gave me a choice to either go to bed at 3 a.m. or wake up at 6 a.m. I would pick going to bed at 3 a.m. even if I am going to get the same number of hours of sleep either way. The thing is that in the morning my brain is not quite functional. However, one good thing now is that when I walk to school/work in the morning, even though it is only a 15 minute walk, it helps me to wake myself up, so that has improved my "morning brain functionality" somewhat. Anyways, I guess it all depends on a person but it is a good thing to know which category you fall into so that you can work your schedule out. So many times I have "promised" to wake up early and do things in the morning - it almost never works. My alarm clock goes off, then I spend 15 or more minutes trying to decide whether to actually get out of bed, and 99 out of 100 I end up staying in bed. So I figured that there is no more point in doing that because it actually wastes my time. The only time I can actually force myself to get out of bed is when I have to catch a flight (although, a couple of times I actually have questioned whether I really needed to catch that flight :)) or when I have a really, really close deadline on something. So I guess I am still "tamable" but it has to be something really important that can't wait.

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