Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sick again!

As much as I hate being sick, I am getting sick again :( I have been taking meds but I don't think they are helping much. I have so much to do and I have no time to be sick :( My throat is sore and it prevents me from sleeping well (I haven't been sleeping well anyways lately) which affects everything I do during the day.
But despite everything, life keeps going on. Fortunately, the weather is nice again which makes things a little more pleasant :) It always makes me feel good when I wake up in the morning and I see clear skies through my windows... except for the winter though, cuz you know that regardless of what it looks like through the windows it's still subzero outside :) I am glad Minneapolis has a great skyway system cuz I plan on using it quite a bit this winter as I walk from home to school and work.
I know it's too early still but the last few days I have been feeling very much like fall already. For some reason I always feel that fall is the saddest time of the year because everything around is getting ready for winter - the trees, the birds, the people... The only thing I like are the fall colors and then everything goes to sleep for a few months (or, if you live in MN, for a looooong time :)) I was just talking to someone who said that the only reason why she likes fall is because her sweater wardrobe is much better than her summer shirt wardrobe :)
Well, this post does not really have a point. Except to say that this might be a good time to do those "summer" things you did not get to do - go for a run, lie/walk on the grass, read in the park, wander around the streets...