Thursday, September 25, 2008

When you try to do things too fast...

You get hurt! I was making dinner today and I was in a big hurry because I was starving. So, as I was cutting the eggplant I managed to slice a chunk off of my thumb too :( It really sucks to have your finger cut because I need my fingers to type, and it seems like that's the activity I do most these days... Anyways, I guess I will survive...

Other than that, today was a really long day, but it was pleasant (with the exception of the 2-hour evidence class during which I thought I would pass out from hunger). One of the interesting things that happened was that I was talking to someone who was sharing her life with me which was very similar to some of the experiences I have had. As she was talking, I felt that she was reading some of my thoughts. And it made me realize that we, humans, have so much in common with one another. Her story made me look at myself from another perspective so I thought it was really interesting because I realized things that I would not have realized otherwise.

That's it for now. I know that my posts often contain various unrelated ideas but I guess that's how I work :)

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