Saturday, September 6, 2008

Everything has an end...

I was just thinking how EVERYTHING in this life has an end... Therefore, when you are sad, it is important to remember that soon your sadness will be over and you will be doing something that makes you happy. I was just talking to someone whom I respect a lot and after talking with her for about an hour I realized how silly it is to spend time fretting about things. Sometimes there are things that you know you can't change, and yet, you keep thinking about it and keep making yourself miserable. The question is: WHY? There is no rational answer. We do it because we are human and we can't help but feel sorry for ourselves every once in a while. That, in my opinion, is one of the most self-defeating things one could do. Thus, my advice for the day: it's okay to be sad sometimes, but don't forget that soon you will be happy again. You are not the first person to be sad, and you won't be the last. Life always has better things in store for you, you just have to stay open and not ignore all the great things life has to offer. I feel that a lot of times we pay attention to the bad, but completely ignore good things that happen in our everyday lives. For instance, look at the media: what do we hear about every day? The war, the hurricanes, the economic crisis, prices going up, people are hungry and homeless, etc. The media almost never talks about some of the great things people do on a daily basis...

If anyone reads this blog (I doubt...) I want you to notice all the good things that happen in your life every day... I want you to remind yourself that even though life may seem tough sometimes, there are better things awaiting you in the future. You just have to keep going in order to get there...

Sorry if this post does not seem very well-organized, I am just writing down my thoughts as they come into my head...

1 comment:

Mismo's blogg show said...

Ha haha I feel identified with the organizational part that posting entails. I will say it is ok to do it who cares. It is easier to read than academic papers with endless notations and quotations.

Moving on, I think that you are right in what you write. Feeling sad just for the sake of calling attention is not good. It is actually paradoxical to try to get attention by acting in an unsociable way. Good things always await is true, but like you said it is up to the person to be on the look for it. Sometimes being happy for no reason makes easier the happening of good things.