Thursday, September 4, 2008

lodini da monatreba....

I am going back to a topic I started in one of my earlier posts.... why is it that there is always someone we are missing, someone we are waiting for? I have been thinking lately that there are so many people in my life whom I miss on a daily basis, and yet, there is nothing I can do about it. Every once in a while I feel that my life is all about waiting... waiting for someone or something... sometimes I feel that it ruins my present because I am so focused on the future that I ignore what is going on right now, right this moment... I guess another thing that contributes to all this is that I am the kind of person who loves to plan things way ahead of time. I always have an idea of what I will be doing 1 year from now, 5 years, 10 years, etc. I suppose it is good to look ahead and see your future, but I think it is also important not to forget the present because if you mess something up now, your future is not going to be quite the way you planned it. And even though I know all of this, sometimes I still forget that life is not happening in the future, life is happening now and I need to live in the "now."

1 comment:

Mismo's blogg show said...

my answer to your post can be stated in the most general form as follows: